主な出来事 9月20日-9月26日
According to the national urgent telephone public opinion survey, it is highlighted that people have a strong dissatisfaction with the government's response and forcing vote against the security-related legislation.
Foreign minister, Kishida, who was visiting Moscow, agreed to resume the Foreign Affairs vice-ministerial meeting on the Northern Territories problem in Moscow on October 8, which have been suspended.
After re-election in the Liberal Democratic Party presidential election, Prime Minister Abe showed the idea to do best effort for economic revival and the enhancement of social security.
Regarding the problem that some of the Volkswagen diesel vehicles were equipped with illegal software to illegally escape from the emission regulations in the United States, they announced there is a possibility that the vehicles in question would reach approximately 11 million units in the entire world.
Regarding the burden mitigation measures for future increase of the consumption tax, Prime minister Abe asked to proceed with the discussion for the reduced tax rate introduction to lower the tax rate, such as groceries.
National consumer price index was year-on-year 0.1 percent decline and 103.4%, which was negative for the first time in past 28 months.
Greek general election was held and vote counted. The former prime minister, Chipurasu’s ruling party SYRIZA won the victory. Fiscal reform with the austerity measures have been accredited.
European Union determined the measures to share the acceptance of 120,000 refugees in each country. In the emergency summit meeting, they agreed to contribute a minimum of 1 billion euros (134.5 billion yen) to the agencies of the United Nations to help the refugees.
In the suburbs of Mecca, the crowd who participated in the large pilgrimage was crushed in the confusion, and more than 700 people died.
US President Barack Obama and Xi Jinping China state president held talks at the White House. They agreed not to conduct a cyber attack to steal trade secrets and to establish a ministerial-level dialogue mechanism for research and information sharing.
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department arrested the ministry chief on suspicion of bribery.
In Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture, male employees in the ramen shop were attacked. One was killed and the other was injured.Sale proceeds were deprived from the safe deposit box.
In electronic money fraud, Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office had disclosed information to the victim's side, and seven people regained the 50 million yen that was taken away by deception.