場所: 町田市, 東京都, Japan



主な出来事  10月25日-10月31日


Voting and ballot counting Is carried out in Miyagi Prefecture legislators election, and the Liberal Democratic Party obtained the 27 seats, decreased by 1 percentage seats than last time. The Communist Party, which claimed the opposition to TPP and the nuclear power plant re-running is doubled than last time at 8 seats and became the second party in the prefectural congress.

Land, Infrastructure and Transport Minister, Ishii has announced that it will stop the disposal efffect by Okinawa Governor, Onaga who canceled the landfill approval of Henoko coastal areas. The government has accepted in the Cabinet to undertake the procuration enforcement procedures for the landfill approval.

The government has embarked on a body construction of landfill in the Henoko coastal areas. Okinawa governor, Onaga appealed the efficacy stop of landfill approval revocation and offered a review to a third party "national local dispute processing committee".


Japan Post decided the sale price of the shares to be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange at ¥ 1,400 per share.  The market capitalization of the  total shares based on group three companies offering price including subsidiaries of Japan Post Bank and the Japan Post insurance would amount to 13 trillion 56.7 billion yen.

FRB sent-off to raise interest rates and maintained virtually zero interest policy following the September FOMC. In a statement that was released after the FOMC, they hinted the rate hike at the next committee to be held on December 15 to 16.

The Bank of Japan decided to postpone the achievement time of 2% inflation target to around  the second half of the fiscal 2016.


The largest opposition party "Law and Justice” ,who opposed to the Middle East refugee influx, has obtained support and won the majority in Poland Congress of Deputies.  They ensured the regime recapture for the first time in eight years.

US Aegis has been sailing within 12 nautical miles of the artificial Island that China constructed  and claimed  "territorial waters"  in Spratly Islands of the South China Sea. The Chinese side warned that they would take measures as needed against provocation.

Chinese Communist Party decided abolish the one-child policy and allow the birth of the second person to all the couples.


Ministry of Education has announced that the number of bullying in 2014 reached 122 721, the worst in the past. The total number was increased by about 30,000 in the entire small middle and high after the re-investigation.

In response to that the voting age was lowered to 18 years, Ministry of Education issued a notice to tolerate political activities and election campaign for high school students.

The government has decided to give the cultural Medal in fiscal 2015 to Mr. Omura who won the Nobel Prize and other 6 people.  

It was discovered that major publishers Sanseido collected principals of the public elementary and junior high schools from 11 prefectures and showed the English textbook in the assay in last August. They also gave ¥ 50,000 reward to each principals as editing treatment.

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