主な出来事 3月29日-4月4日
49.8% expressed opposition
At nationwide telephone poll, 49.8%, nearly half, expressed opposition to
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's policy of achieving security related bills
for tolerance of exercising the right to collective self-defense
in the current Diet session.
Information monitoring Committee has started
Information monitoring Committees that have been installed in both houses
in order to check the status of operation of a specific secret protection law
opened the first meeting. Monitoring system by Diet has finally started.
Governor questioned the examination
Minister of Agriculture, Yoshimasa Hayashi, was determined to temporarily stop
the effect of the work stoppage instructions that the governor Onaga Yushi
had decided. Mr.Onaga showed doubt on the fairness of the examination.
Standards of deletion in the Net
Yahoo announced the criteria for deletion of displayed information of
Internet search for the first time.
They will respond to delete if privacy infringement is obvious.
Japan does not express participation
Minister of Finance, Taro Aso, revealed the plans that at the moment
Japan forgoes participation of Asia infrastructure investment banks
that China leads to establish.
Business confidence is plod
Bank of Japan announced March corporate short-term Economic Survey
that the diffusion index that shows recent business confidence at large manufacturers
was the same "plus 12" as the previous survey last December
diffusion index that shows business confidence.
Business confidence continued to standstill.
Agreement to wage increase for small and medium-sized companies
Government held a tripartite constituents meeting and agreed to support
measures to spread the wage increase movement in small and medium-sized enterprises.
Opposition candidate elected
Nigeria Election Commission announced the final tally of the presidential election results
that Buhari, former highest military Council chairman won the election.
Attack to University in Kenya
University is attacked in Garissa, eastern of Kenya and 148 non-Muslims students were killed.
Islamic extremist organization Arushababu from neighboring Somalia has announced crime statement.
Iran nuclear framework reached agreement
The six countries including United States and Russia, and Iran agreed to a nuclear framework
toward a final agreement until the end of June.
If execution of the limitation of Iran's uranium enrichment over 10-15 years is confirmed,
Europe and the United Nations will release the sanction against Iran.
Prosecution authorities in Tianjin City, China prosecutes
Mr.Shu Ei Kou on charge of bribery, abuse of power, and leaking state secrets.
Certificate for the same-sex couples
Ordinance to issue the certificate equivalent to marriage to the same-sex couples
is passed and established in the Shibuya parliament.
Misawo Ookawa passed away
Misawo Okawa, who had been certified in Guinness Records, Inc. as the world's oldest
died of senility at 117-year-old.
890 000 people become the new working members
Ceremonies were held at companies and governmental agencies nationwide.
The total number of new working people estimated 890,000.
Smoke in the Seikan Tunnel
There rose smoke from express Super swan in the Seikan Tunne, and
120 passengers were evacuated on the ground.
Due to the over-current to the motor, the coating of the wiring was burnt.
49.8% expressed opposition
At nationwide telephone poll, 49.8%, nearly half, expressed opposition to
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's policy of achieving security related bills
for tolerance of exercising the right to collective self-defense
in the current Diet session.
Information monitoring Committee has started
Information monitoring Committees that have been installed in both houses
in order to check the status of operation of a specific secret protection law
opened the first meeting. Monitoring system by Diet has finally started.
Governor questioned the examination
Minister of Agriculture, Yoshimasa Hayashi, was determined to temporarily stop
the effect of the work stoppage instructions that the governor Onaga Yushi
had decided. Mr.Onaga showed doubt on the fairness of the examination.
Standards of deletion in the Net
Yahoo announced the criteria for deletion of displayed information of
Internet search for the first time.
They will respond to delete if privacy infringement is obvious.
Japan does not express participation
Minister of Finance, Taro Aso, revealed the plans that at the moment
Japan forgoes participation of Asia infrastructure investment banks
that China leads to establish.
Business confidence is plod
Bank of Japan announced March corporate short-term Economic Survey
that the diffusion index that shows recent business confidence at large manufacturers
was the same "plus 12" as the previous survey last December
diffusion index that shows business confidence.
Business confidence continued to standstill.
Agreement to wage increase for small and medium-sized companies
Government held a tripartite constituents meeting and agreed to support
measures to spread the wage increase movement in small and medium-sized enterprises.
Opposition candidate elected
Nigeria Election Commission announced the final tally of the presidential election results
that Buhari, former highest military Council chairman won the election.
Attack to University in Kenya
University is attacked in Garissa, eastern of Kenya and 148 non-Muslims students were killed.
Islamic extremist organization Arushababu from neighboring Somalia has announced crime statement.
Iran nuclear framework reached agreement
The six countries including United States and Russia, and Iran agreed to a nuclear framework
toward a final agreement until the end of June.
If execution of the limitation of Iran's uranium enrichment over 10-15 years is confirmed,
Europe and the United Nations will release the sanction against Iran.
Prosecution authorities in Tianjin City, China prosecutes
Mr.Shu Ei Kou on charge of bribery, abuse of power, and leaking state secrets.
Certificate for the same-sex couples
Ordinance to issue the certificate equivalent to marriage to the same-sex couples
is passed and established in the Shibuya parliament.
Misawo Ookawa passed away
Misawo Okawa, who had been certified in Guinness Records, Inc. as the world's oldest
died of senility at 117-year-old.
890 000 people become the new working members
Ceremonies were held at companies and governmental agencies nationwide.
The total number of new working people estimated 890,000.
Smoke in the Seikan Tunnel
There rose smoke from express Super swan in the Seikan Tunne, and
120 passengers were evacuated on the ground.
Due to the over-current to the motor, the coating of the wiring was burnt.